Friday, June 20, 2008


There are certain rules that needs to be obeyed on a rocknrollercoaster tour. These are essential to the experience of the general road trip mayhem.

Rule #1:
No highways, interstates or turnpikes.

Rule #2:
No eating at international franchise chains.

Rule #3:
The trip must be conducted using at a minimum these forms of transport:
- Automobile
- Boat
- Train
- Plane
- Segways
- Off-road vehicles

Rule #4:
At least one meal must be at a private home... by invitation ;)

Rule #5:
Is a secret.

Rule #6:
Is also a secret.

Rule #7:
Do not discuss rule #6.... do NOT discuss rule #6.

Rule #8:
This is a journey of exploration of the food, the history, the people and all the fucked up mayhem, that follows from the complete and utter warping of reality that tends to occur in our presence. This shall be its focus and these experiences shall be collected in a literary work of unknown quality.

Rule #9:
All participant in the journey are to attempt carnal interaction with the natives.

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