Sunday, July 27, 2008

The drug store and the local guys

After eating dinner last night we walked around our neighborhood, which is currently the part of Manhatten called Gramercy. We went to our local drugstore, because my feet hurt like Doom and had a nice time looking at meds. We then talked to the pharmacist, a very nice Polish lady who sold us the aquired drugs. When we went to the counter to pay, we wanted to pay for our stuff seperately and here we ran into what is probably going to be something of an issue. They always asume we are a couple and so, they expect Ivan to pay! The woman behind the counter didnt even dignifie our request for a split bill with an answer, she just threw Ivan a disgusted look and silently refused to do it! And I got a look that clearly said, "grow a spine blondie". In the end we just paid for the stuff together and got out of there... we need "Brother and sister" badges!

Walking down the street towards our hotel afterwards, we saw a couple of old locals across the street, one of them launging in a big red chair on the sidewalk. We went to talk to them, because they looked special.

Their names are Danny and Bob and we talked to them for about an hour. They've lived in New York all their lives and are both retired. Danny was a social worker and Bob worked on the nightshift of the postal service for 25 years. They told us a lot about the area and gave us many tips as to what to do and see. Bob, the one with the big beard, has ancesters from Ã…rhus. Which was weird. Danny had had a world famous cat. Which was also weird.

The big red chair they told us, was left on the street by someone who had moved away. It was a nice chair but no one would take it, because New York apparently has a problem with BED BUGS! So you never know what lives in a used piece of furniture. Lying in our beds later we both nervously anticipated a crawly bity scratchy feeling, but thankfully is seems our hotel is not infested!


Anonymous said...

I'm not completely convinced that badges saying "Brother Ivan" and "Sister Mia" would clear up all misunderstandings. But they might create some fun new ones. When my ex was travelling in New Zealand with a friend they actually got rings, just because it made a lot of things a lot easier :)

Oh, and next time you are in a drug store, would you mind checking if they have Modafinil.

Mia Irina Due said...

Hmm, you might be right about the brother and sister thing :)

Modafinil? Is that a drug you have a liking for Nis?