Friday, July 25, 2008

Packing and procrastination

As the departure day draws nearer I fill with an undefineable sense of urgency. I know that all I really need to do I pack, purge the kitchen, tidy up a little.

Wait, what! PACK!! Argh!!... What do I need to bring, what goes together, how do i pack all this in a backpack, how long before I find a laundromat, what tech-gear to I bring. I make lists, stress, ponder and dwelve in all kinds of procrastination (see the nice new travel map at the top right).

And then i dawns on me, I'm being a total girl about this, no offence ladies, I'm packing for this like it was one of my business trips, everything must work like clockwork... But this is a vacation, and a fairly chaotic, in sense of planing, one at that. I just need to pack what I think I'll need and then rock'n'roll.

The US dollar and peanuts holding equally the same monetary value at this time, should also make on-the-road aquisitions more feasable.

Its hard to find your inner rock'n'roller and just letting go, but damn it feels good!


Mia Irina Due said...

Not a bussiness trip indeed Bro :) Stop fretting and get your anarchist rock'n'roller on!

Anonymous said...

Have a nice trip, both of you! Drive carefully.
