Tuesday, August 12, 2008

'God bless you'... oh really?

I am a nice guy. At least that my general intention in life.

However I have a recurring predicament when I travel to the US. Let me give an example:

A crew of teenagers from North Carolina have been spending the weekend in New Orleans helping to restore and revive the neighbourhoods devastated by the hurricane Katrina. I meet these generous young people at a restaurant, where a person utters the following, properly well meaning, words "Thank god you're here"

WHAT THE HELL! These kids spend a weekend in a city far away from home helping complete strangers out of the humanity of their hearts, and this moron attributes their labour and self-sacrifice to some random deity.

I can't think of a greater insult to these kids, why the hell wouldn't he thank them directly?

Sure I see the transference of gratitude thru a third, fictitious, party. But this is no different from going "ohh thank the squirrels for being here to help with this trolley", when getting help from at stranger at a metro station. It's utter nonsense!

The same thing get me annoyed when I help somebody in need and people go 'god bless you'. Seriously? What good is that gonna do me.. I detest the inference that I am superstitious and the arrogance in presuming that I partake in the monotheistic in-group mentality.

This is a divisive and arrogant practise, regardless of the well meant intentions. So when I am a nice guy, on my own accord, I'd like my actions to be the focus of gratitude, not some irrelevant mythological creature.


r¡g¡dRºº$t€r said...

and yet how often have you uttered, or heard uttered the emphatic cries of "oh god!" while enjoying the company of a woman? am i to believe that you were turned off, the moment ruined? chalk it all up to colloquialism and the cultural use of words whose original meanings have been nullified.

just a thought for you my new good friend

Ivan said...

A very pointy argument :)

First of all in the affore mentioned situation it is only right and fair that the subject of my attentions should deem me god and thus thank me.

On a more serious note, it might be chalked up to culture in some cases like the intimate example. But it is clear to me that more often that not people are actually praising their god for other pleoples help. Skyward eyes and a slight nod or even hands folded.

If this is a cultural issue, it is indeed an issue..

But I do not claim to hold the truth on this.. these are just my impressions.

Ivan said...

PS: Dont get me wrong I love(!!) the USA and almost all of it's people!

But religion pisses me off all over the world ;)

Hell you should hear me rant about poland ;)