Sunday, August 24, 2008

...weird places

We left that big red rock and continued on our way, hoping to find a good place to overnight, before venturing into Monument Valley the next day. The landscape just got weirder and more spectacular by the minute.

We started to feel like we had landed ourselves in some old sci-fi version of Mars or something similar. It was just so different from anywhere I've ever been.

After a good while we came to a crossroad.

As you can see, we had the choice of going to Mexican Hat, Bluff or Blanding. It all sounds weird. But, in his wisdom Ivan chose to take us to Bluff, which turned out to be an excellent place to stay. This is a picture from across the street from our hotel. Again, its just so alien! The range of colors is just amazing.


r¡g¡dRºº$t€r said...
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r¡g¡dRºº$t€r said...

you guys have impressed me in the very way i had always hoped a foreign traveler would. have met many europeans in other countries and the general unwillingness to truly explore the US is revoilting. i have spent many years chasing the currents of wind and whim to carry me through some of the most unfrequented parts of the nation. as a result, you now are coming to know the land and people in much the way i have. i applaud you and your intrepidity

Mia Irina Due said...

Thanks! Well, we are an adventurous pair. Ten years ago, when we travelled Europe together, we just got on a nighttrain south from Denmark without anything resembling a plan... On our way to Spain, we decided to overnight and spend a day in the Pyrene... I dont know how to spell that in English. The Spanish/French mountains.. we closed our eyes and pointed at the map and so ended up in a scary little military training mountain town named Jaca! But it wa a great adventure :)

Anonymous said...

Hej igen I to ...

Igen må jeg rose jer for de super gode billeder og historier. Faktisk så meget, så er er nødt til at høre jer om et par ting.

Hvilket udstyr har I med på jeres tur til disse dejlige opdatering. Jeg tænker på PC, opkoblinger, kamera etc...

Og hvordan finder i tiden til at opdatere sitet?

Personligt tror jeg ikke, at jeg selv havde den diciplin der skulle til, så det er endnu en stjerne til jer ;o)

Her til sidst kan jeg sig, at jeg er blevet næsten afhængig af at følge jeres tur, og jeg ser frem til at høre om den over en kop øl eller to (jeg gir ;o) ) ...

Fortsat god vind herfra.


Mia Irina Due said...

Opdateringer foregår primært på min medbragte mac. Billederne bliver taget med mit kamera, nikon D70, og Ivans mobil tlf. Vi finder som regel tid til at skrive og opdatere kort, når vi er for smadrede til andet end at ligge på hotel værelset om aftenen eller når vi finder et frokoststed med wireless. Men det er da lidt svært at følge med.

Det glæder mig , at bloggen underholder nogen og bliver vel modtaget :)

Håber det er en god august derhjemme