Sunday, September 7, 2008


After finishing our hike of the Queens Court we were badly in need of food, so we drove down to the park Lodge to eat at the restaurant. It was a lovely place and our waitress was a funny and extremely nice young woman. We both had a wonderfully spiced steak, with excellent vegetables and the most delicious sauce made from local cherries. It was .. just ... so GOOD!!!! When eating that cherry sauce with a piece of beef the pleasure just blocked out all other senses and all ability to think. A sauce so good it makes you go temporarily blind. I have not the words.

After this we went back to the Queens Court to see the sunset from Sunset Point. The light fading from one row of pinnacles and then the next was an oddly delicate thing, making the rocks seem suddenly fragile and distant.

When we finally left we were both tired and had experienced more sensations than we could fathom. Despite this, Ivan suggested we go for one last evening walk, on a trail we past on our way back to Carmel Junction. So we went.

It was lovely walking in the evening light as the colors were softening.

The trail became narrow and increasingly challenging. After a while I started to worry, that we wouldn't make it down before full dark. Trying to hike that trail in the dark would have been ridiculously dangerous.

we did make it down though, just as the darkness became complete. And went home and slept like dead things.

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