Thursday, April 2, 2009

San Fransisco

I have to admit, at our last short stop in San Fransisco, we were both exhausted. Especially me. We turned the Rock'n roller coaster back to the rental company. I think we both would have cried a little, if we werent so stressed out. The memory of leaving our trusty, beatiful black, convertible Mustang behind in that parking basement still makes my ribcage feel strangely tight. It was almost brand new when we drove it out of washington. Now in San Fransisco, oh so many miles and adventures later, it was dusty, slightly ragged and bent-looking. How we miss our car!!!

Ivan had stuff to take care of, so I ended up roaming around the city alone for most of the day. I walked through the steep hilly streets and wondered how one would ever manage to get anywhere when drunk. I imagined that falling over would end in quite a bit of potentially lethal rolling down of hills.

The ground evened out a bit and I came to a lovely street-market. Here I chatted long with an old hippie who had a jewelery booth. We talked of politics and the world and Cabbages and Kings for a while and in the end I got a nice discount on a yellow jade necklace for my girlfriend Anna.

And then on to the warfs, and finally, the sea!

My walk along the warfs was surprisingly peaceful. I encountered a huge gull and an old Chinese guy resting in the shade while fishing, otherwise I was quite blissfully on my own.

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