Thursday, July 31, 2008

Winding down in DC

We're in Washington now, taking it easy. Most of the time we hang out at Kramer Books, which is a very nice bookstore that also has a cafe/restaurant AND a BAR! The bar is right at the end of the bookstore! So you can browse through books and then sit in the bar and read or get hammered. Which we did.

A couple of days ago, when we arrived here, we were real tired and ended op in the bar of Kramers. Its called Afterwords and they have a most plentyful collection of beer, Wine and booze. The bartenders of that evening were Casey and Seth. They were great and very amusing guys and they got us quite thouroughly drunk on wine beer and booze, most of which we seemed not to pay for.

We chatted away happily with the other people at the bar and apparently became highly amusing as the night went on. We certainly had a lot of fun and liked people very much. I had girly chats with Lauren about boys and Ivan scared her senseless with various obscenities. Which was of course greatly amusing for everyone. Even Lauren. In a frigthened way. Lauren was really sweet and for, some reason, overwhelmingly happy to meet us.

I amused myself with Kylos, who's traveled a good deal in Europe and is currently a VJ and making graphic stuff for films. He gave us a lot of hints and tips as to what to see and where to go in DC, New Orleans and Austin.

He mentioned a bar, but sadly I no longer remember where, that sounded quite wonderful. The barman, Kylos told me, when asked when the bar closed, would say in a deep raspy voice: "I havent closed in 7 years".


It was a very special feeling getting drunk in the middle of a bookstore. And since we were only 6 people or so and all had a great time together, including the barkeeps, it felt more like a private party than a night on the town. About one o'clock the Barkeeps tossed all of us out, which was probably for the best, since it was getting hard detaining Lauren from getting more cuts from the glass that she'd broken. We spend a good while on the street afterwards, talking to Quaniese and Shanteé or some such names. They were great fun though :)


Anonymous said...

Uha - sådan en bogbar kunne godt have ændret min ungdom en del ...

Mia Irina Due said...

Det er simpelthen det mest fantastiske sted! Glimrende koncept! Og ikke alene var bartenderne festlige og sjove, man kunne diskutere historie og litteratur med dem.

Anonymous said...

Rule #9? Rule #9?

Mia Irina Due said...

We both made attemps on rule #9 but no luck yet. We'll keep on trucking though.